Ismail Omipidan: A Reflection Of A lackey Subordinate Who Served Under the Administration of a poorly performed Former Gov and lowly rated Federal Minister, Oyetola

It is surprising to note that, Mr Ismail Omipidan, someone who once served as Chief Press Secretary to former Governor Adegboyega Oyetola is showing ignorance on the structure of office of the Governor, which he was part of, for the almost four years that his paymaster, Oyetola governed Osun state poorly.

We have also read, unbelievably, how Omipidan displayed ignorance by mischievously stating that the budget earmarked for the office of the Governor, “is being used to eat food” by no less a well loved and performing administration of Senator Ademola Adeleke.

Premised on these false allegations and assumptions by Mr Omipidan, the need to lucidly and carefully educate him on the nuances of governance can not be over emphasized .

In the first instance, our illiterate Omipidan needs to be schooled that, there are agencies and parastatals attached to the office of the Governor to carry out one official function or the other under the official supervision and guidance of the Governor.

Omipidans lack of governmental knowhow can be likened to someone who served as the Chief Press Secretary to the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria but who does not know the difference between the office of the President and the Presidency.

For clarity sake, the office of the President is the office of the President while the Presidency consists of many agencies and parastatals under the direct supervision of the office of the President.

For Mr Omipidan to be found displaying lack of knowlege in this regard in relation to the Office of the Governor of Osun State which he was part of, for almost four years, no doubt portrays him as a complete ignoramus in the running of how things are officially carried out.
To say the least, this is quite shameful.

To put it mildly and simply in order to up Omipidans knowlege, perhaps for the first time, he should know that the budget of office of the Governor includes that of other agencies under it. To this end,in order to compliment the day to day running of government, in Osun State, there are 9 parastatals under the official purview of the Governor’s office.
They are;
1.Office of the Deputy Governor,
2.Bureau of General Services.

  1. Office of the Chief of Staff
  2. Bureau of Government House and Protocol
  3. Bureau of Social Services
  4. Parastatal Monitoring Office
  5. Sustainable Development Goals Office
  6. Bureau of Policy Coordination and
  7. Bureau of Communication.

With Omipidan not in the know of this development until being brought to his knowledge and attention with this rejoinder, clearly shows that , he passed through the government, without government passing through him.

In addition, it must be stated that, he equally displays ignorance for him not to know that all the aforementioned agencies have their budgets for all the capital projects and overhead costs, including salaries of civil servants posted to those agencies, allowances and projects to be executed including political office holders salaries, among others.

Infact, Omipidan should be schooled to know that, his own office as Chief Press Secretary then, was under the Bureau of Communication, where he drew his salary from and the execution of other day to day assignments in relation to the nature of the office he held then.

As a Government that is clearly in tune with the know how of governance, we are not in anyway surprised as this ignorance exhibited by Mr Omipidan clearly and distinctly shows the poor quality of people who actually served under the government of former governor Adegboyega Oyetola as being publicly displayed also by the likes of former commissioner of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Hon Adebayo Adeleke (Banik).

No wonder, the immediate past leader of that poorly rated administration, Mr Adegboyega Oyetola was similarly adjudged, recently, as the poorest performing Governor in the anal of the history Osun State

Against this and other let downs being ignorantly displayed both in private and public domains, we urge Mr Ismail Omipidan and other lackeys in the immediate past Oyetola administration to stop exhibiting ignorance to the public in such a disdainfully disgraceful manner.

There’s no crime in asking if one is at a loss concerning how certain things are being done or carried out.
At least, some few intelligent brain’s in that Administration could readily come to mind, people like the duo of Dr Oyebade Olowogboyega who served the administration as the Head of Service and Professor Yinusa Olalekan, who was the Commissioner for Economic Planning, Budget, and Development
We suggest that, the likes of Omipidan and Banik of this world in that administration should have swallowed their pride, ego and ignorance to be properly educated by the duo of Dr Olowogboyega and Professor Yinusa, rather than the ridicule and shame they have subjected themselves to in recent times.

We advise and reiterate the need for the leaders and members of the immediate past administration of Mr Oyetola to continue to see the good and beauty of a government without borrowing from no quarter in the less thantwo years as being displayed by the *High Speed” people’s Governor and Performer, Senator Ademola Jackson Nurudeen Adeleke .

The unprecedented developments being witnessed here and there throughout the state are eloquent testimony to the fact that the people of Osun state have not made a mistake in the collective choice of Mr Performeras their 6th democratically elected Governor .

For a Governor that collects no security vote but all out, at all times, using the little resources accruing to the state judiciously, what else does Omipidan and his likes are always out to achieve by their mischiefs and shenanigans ?

Finally, notwithstang Omipidans Pull Him Down syndrome which has become his stock in trade in the last two years when the people of Osun State voted Oyetola out with their wise votes, we seize this platform, once again, to reiterate the commitment of the government of Governor Ademola Adeleke on transparency, accountability and delivery of good governance to the people of Osun state.

Oluomo Kolapo Alimi
Commissioner for Information
and Public Enlightenment

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