Stop Threatening Osun People Over Mineral Resources, Group Warns THORS / Segilola

A political pressure group, Osun Democrats for Democracy (ODD) has warned Thors Explorations Limited and its subsidiary, Segilola Gold Project, to stop threatening the government and people of Osun State over legitimate demands for payment of lawful taxes to the treasury of the state government.

Reacting to a media publication in which Thors Explorations vowed to resist demands for payment of legitimate taxes, the group in a statement by one of its top official, James Bamgbose slammed the gold firm first for contempt of court and two for irresponsible arrogance that verges on open declaration of war on Osun people, the legitimate owner of the gold deposits.

“We are alarmed by the recent outbursts of Thors Explorations Limited on a matter that is before the court of law and that is at the same time being adjudicated upon by the regulator, the Federal Ministry of Mines. The threat to resist despite ongoing intervention confirms the claim of the Osun state government that Thors Explorations Limited is wilfully refusing to fulfill its obligations to the state government and the host communities.

“ We find it discomforting and the height of corporate irresponsibility for a multinational company quoted on London, New York and Canadian stock exchanges to publicly boast of its readiness to violate local tax and environmental laws with impunity. A responsible corporate organization which is not under gangsteric leadership would honestly engage and avoid attempts to bribe state officials to escape legitimate responsibilities.

“ To openly threaten a subnational government with resistance over lawful demands paints Thors in bad light, sends wrong signals to her investors worldwide and changes the entire narrative in favour of the Osun State Government. Osun people and her government cannot be bullied by corporate gangsters who prefer under the table deals than meeting legitimate obligations.

“ We have reviewed the entire disagreements from the beginning and we conclude that the Osun government has presented sufficient evidence to back up her claim. It is also clear that 2023 to early 2024 is sufficient time for Thors’ executives to have agreed on a deal with the state government. Bad faith during those negotiations actually prompted the demand notice issued early this year.

“We implore Thors Explorations Limited to do the needful by meeting its legitimate obligations to the Osun State Government. The panel set up by the regulator is also rounding up its assignment and we expect the outcome to favour law and due process”, the group noted.

While commending the state government to her bold decisions to demand for what is due to the state, the group urged the Minister of Mines to use this subject of Osun/Thors conflict to enforce delivery of operators’ obligations to the
host states and communities.

“Thors Explorations Limited cannot be the best model for mining companies in Nigeria if it hides operational records, refuses to pay PAYE taxes of employees, neglect environmental remediation and manipulate state’s shareholding within its structures”, the group confirmed.

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