The Director General ACCI, Victoria Akai together with the Director, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), Abuja Liaison office/ACCI Council Member, Mr. Usman Abbas today visited Autodex Nigeria Ltd in Giri, Abu
The factory is into fabrication and assembling of agricultural and automobile machineries such as; tractors, diesel hand steelers, grain driers, buses, tricycles, motorcycles, others.
The Director of the factory, Mr Tony Efekandu who took the visiting team on a tour to different units of the factory (including grain drying, juice processing/packaging, rice mill, tomatoes processing plants, others) also expressed interest in the partnership between industry and academia through the chamber of commerce.
The DG who led the delegation appreciated the CEO of Autodex for registering the company with ACCI and assured him of enjoying the benefits of being a member of ACCI.
Tractors assembled by Autodex Ltd.The DG and the Director Autodex standing by crop and grain dryer. The dryer locally fabricated can dry 3000 tons of grain within an hourDiesel boiler and wood boiler. The wood boiler is an alternative source of energy that can generate steam which can produce 2000 tonsRice millJuice processing packaging and pet water packaging lineTomatoes processing unitBee hives