Osun Goverment Partners With NADDC to Establish Auto parts Industry in Osun

The Osun state government has partnered with the National Automotive Design and Development Council NADDC to develop auto sector of the state.

During a courtesy visit by the NADDC members, led by the Director General Oluwawemimo Joseph Osanipin at the Governor’s office on Wednesday, Governor Adeleke assured the committee that the government will support and do the needful.

In his address, Governor Adeleke restated that he’s grateful to God because since his inception into office, alot of investors has been coming.

“You have listed all the requirements that made you to choose Osun State. And we thank God that we had it. And we thank God that you are starting to do something in Osun State.

“I have to give thanks to God Almighty. Since our inception, a lot of good things have been happening in Osun State. A lot of investors are coming in, and we have another one here and everything. So I appreciate you for that.

Earlier while speaking, the Director General of NADDC Mr Joseph Osanipin emphasized on reasons they have decided to choose Osun state among every other states in Nigeria.

In his words “Osun state have been all, I would say a good state. Not only good, it’s also a good partner. When we say someone is a partner, someone that you work together for a purpose and to achieve a certain objective.

“When we wanted to start partnering with states in order to develop states that want to develop their auto sector we looked at first what was consumed and they never disappointed us.

“They came to us the other time that we need some support. They want to know how we normally give our loan to private entity state and how we collect it But whenever anybody come for loan we always say go back to ask how they took the loan, pay all the interest and pay back. So because of that we said we want to come back. And while we are coming back we said we need to have industrial park auto industry.

“Industrial power will be known for you to have a vehicle to be able to build a vehicle you need a lot of component part. To build one vehicle you have more than 3000 parts and most of these parts we can manufacture them but unfortunately we are not. And because we need to grow auto industry we decided we need to invest more in production of auto component parts and what we are looking for.

“Where are we going to locate this photo component? But we picked two states. We picked three initially but we started developing in two states. One state is another and the second one is ask me why didn’t we pick, the first one when you are looking for the major problem we have in Nigeria is transportation of our goods and services of our road not lasting. So a road that used to take ten ton is taking 50 ton at a time. No, it’s not going to work that way. And then again why the transport cost of material, cost of goods, cost of food, very expensive material.

“You have to trace it to the cost of transportation. Then what’s the safest and the cheapest means of transportation is train. Then again when you are looking for power you cannot manufacture anything without power. Where is the home of power In the southwest. Oshogbo.

“While this morning, His Excellency I met the Executive of NATAN that is National Automotive Technician Association of Nigeria. So we were discussing and they said please, we need machine tools to work. And I said we have to take it off because this is part of the reason why we cited the auto park here. So we have mentioned power, we have mentioned the road, the train, we have mentioned the availability of other related companies steering machines.

“And again, as if our dependable Governor is already working on making sure that we have a good landing with auto park, our dependable Governor already working on airports that will now make it even faster and easier for us to develop that auto part.

“So we are here to let you know we want to develop that auto part. We need collaboration from the state government because we know the power and the kind of employment that autopilot is going to generate. Not only that, how it’s going to boost the economy of the state is we can’t continue to quantify the kind of multiplier effect is going to occur. We are looking at can we have this auto part? And then be able to mobilize all the components parts in the Western part of Nigeria,House them under the same facility to provide the road for them, provide the land and every other thing.

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