As Trump Battles The Illuminati, by Ali Abubakar Sadiq

No single individual in the last two and a half century dares take on the illuminati as Trump is currently doing and unknown to many, he is doing a great service to humanity. Though many could not see it, simply because they don’t know what the illuminati represents and what they are trying to achieve. If you really think Trump is a fool, you are absolutely being fooled. Let me give an overview.

The original Illuminati was founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a German philosopher and Atheist, with the sole aim of working towards a common goal of achieving world domination or control. It is the idea of creating a group of powerful individuals and organizations working together to create one-world government that would control all aspect of life. The secret society plans on using the promotion of reason, science and progress to create their new world order, the “Norvus Ordo Seclorum” an order that writes God out of the picture and deifies Lucifer. The author of “Morals and Dogma” Mr Albert Pike, a leading Masonic writer, wrote to the Masons 23rd Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889 saying “The true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (God)”. He went on to say in the book “Lucifer, the Light-bearer!” as Lucifer is symbolized by the Sun which illuminates the earth, thus Lucifer’s worship under his disciples, those that illuminates others with knowledge, hence – The Illuminati.

Long before the creation of Illuminati by Weishaupt, there exist Freemasons in Europe and the Night Templars, two of the great secret organizations with similar ambition like the illuminati for world domination. The iron grip by the Roman Catholic Church and persecution of new ideas during the Middle Ages, especially in science, helped tremendously in the rise of such organizations. We remember the famous Galileo story and his clash with papal authority after the publication of his book “Dialogue on the two-world system” and his subsequent life imprisonment. We should also not forget the martyrdom of the likes of Giordano Bruno who was burnt on the stake for expressing his scientific views which appeared to the Church as blasphemous and against the Bible. The Grand master of the Night Templars, Jacques De Molay, also suffered the same fate as Bruno as he was burned on the stake in 1308. The superstitious day of Friday the 13th, owes its mystery to that fateful day, Friday the 13th of October, 1307, when King Philip IV of France orders the extermination of the night templars.
Those events in medieval Europe triggered the evolution of those secret organizations to be working in the underground towards the destruction of the Church, Monarchy and capitalistic monopoly. With the discovery of America by Columbus, intellectual refugees from Europe flood to America in the hope of finding a land where they could spread their ideas and live in freedom. Hence, the Mason (architectural intellectuals) started forming lodges across America beginning with the first one in Philadelphia in 1730, long before the declaration of American independence. Two of America’s most iconic founding fathers, George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, belonged to the freemasons. Thirteen out of the 39 signatories of the American Constitution were freemasons and 14 out of the 45 American Presidents were freemasons.

Initially, freemasons are men of God and they were committed to freedom, democracy and equality. But as the organization evolved, those on top pf the pyramid of freemasonry, those that achieved the 33rd degree, have a hidden agenda that many below the 32nd degree are not aware of. The chief aim was visibly hidden in plain view on the dollar note, the Latin words “Norvus Ordo Seclorum” which translate as “The New World Order”. Lucifer, the god of the New World Order, the New Age, some of the Communists and some of the Masons, wants to bring the world a one world religion, based upon a belief in man, and the unbridled power of man’s mind and reason under the guiding hand of Lucifer. A view openly expressed in Noah Yuval Hariri’s recent book “Homo Deus” (meaning Man is God) and hinting they are also on the quest to defeat Death itself through scientific knowledge.

The New World Order will include changes in: The family: whereby homosexual marriages will be legalized (achieved under Obama administration); parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will) all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be “housewives”; divorce will become exceedingly easy and monogynous marriage will be slowly phased out; (over 90% achieved today)

The second target is the workplace: The government will become the owner of all of the factors of production through crony multi-nationals (Google, Amazon, Apple, TikTok, YouTube etc; the private ownership of property will be curved;

The last and the biggest threat to this new world order is religion: Therefore, religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned; there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind (also articulated in Yuval Noah Harari’s book “Homo Deus” Man is God), many will believe in the new religion, as we can see how Christianity has almost been decimated in Europe and the steep rise of atheism everywhere, even here in Nigeria.

The new world order, under the leadership of satanists, created various affiliates that would help them fight in different fronts in order to usher the new world order, ranging from the LGBTQ Movement (the fastest growing movement the world has ever seen) The Secular Humanists (advocating Man is God), The Communist (under the influence of Karl Marx as we saw the rise of the communist block to obliterate religion in its entirety in society) The Fascist (Hitler, a known anarchist and satanist who declared just before he unleashed the horrors of the 2nd World War “National socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of a new world order”). There is also the New Age movement (Fighting established religions), the Evolutionary Biology movement under Neo-Darwinists (Advocating the substitution of God with Nature), and in the Academia where citadels of learning are being slowly turned into cathedral of atheism. In fact, Science in General is gravitating towards Atheistic overtones. And in the background of all these, are the 33rd degree masters enmeshed in magic rituals and satanism (Worship of lucifer).

At the upper echelons of those secret organizations, Lucifer (The fallen angel, Satan or the Devil) is the one true God whom they worship. They flip the roles of God and the Devil, whereby God is considered evil while the Devil is good. In their philosophy, they believed God exist but not for the good of mankind, they say he is evil because he prevented man from eating the apple, which the devil told him it is the tree of knowledge as scriptures narrated. Thus, while God is preventing man from knowledge, the Devil wants man to know. So, to acquire knowledge and control the world, Satan is the ultimate for them.

Few men were ever accepted in the 33rd degree to witness the rituals of worshipping Lucifer, but some of the few that did and rejected it came out and exposed the secret. Captain William Morgan, a Mason who exposed the secrets of the Masonic Lodge in 1826 in his book entitled FREEMASONRY EXPOSED, paid with his life for trying to warn Americans. Before Morgan, John Quincy Adam, the six President of the United States, was quoted to have said “I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union (meaning America then) is now laboring”. He isn’t the only one as Millard Fillmore, the thirteenth President of the United States, made this statement: “The Masonic fraternity tramples upon our rights, defeats the administration of justice, and bids defiance to every government which it cannot control.” Another who spoke out against the Masons was Ulysses S. Grant, the eighteenth President, who said this: “All secret oath-bound political parties are dangerous to any nation, no matter how pure or how patriotic the motives and principles which first bring them together.”

Despite those warnings, largely due to the sheer brilliance, knowledge and strategies of the Illuminati, their agenda is strengthened in America and exported around the world under the guise of democracy, freedom, humanitarian work (USIAD, DFID etc). They created one of the wealthiest Empires the world has ever seen, America becomes the most influential political force with an unprecedented military might (having the largest military hardware and over 700 military bases across the world), all made possible by the leadership of the Illuminati. The most dangerous thing now is achieving AI Technology, which would certainly be the greatest weapon the Illuminati had brought forth for final and total domination of the world.

The only hope for the world against the rising tide of satanism are the two great religions of Islam and Christianity, but unfortunately (at their present states) they are not equal to the task. Christianity has been reduced to mere idolatry while Islam is reduced to ritualism (and fundamentalism). But all hope is not lost, if only those two religions would go back to the drawing board and reform internally and remember how they had been the seed that sow the foundations of modernity through knowledge and justice. Unless those qualities are resurrected, the fight against satanism could never be won.

We can see the hand of God in bringing Trump into power, even though he cannot defeat the Illuminati single handedly, at least he is rolling back their progress and giving the faithfuls chance to regroup and re-strategize against the ungodly agenda of Atheism and Satan worship in the perpetual war between good and evil.

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