Onward Hospital’s withdrawal from OHIS is due to economy inflation, internal restructuring – Dr Rasaq Akindele

…Gov. Adeleke is a responsible Governor The Executive Secretary of Osun State Health Insurance Agency, OHIS, Dr Rasaq Akindele has debunked rumors been spread by some people on the withdrawal of Onward Specialist Hospital, Osogbo from the agency’s scheme. Akindele stated that Onward Hospital’s withdrawal from the scheme was as a result of inflation in…

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Governor Adeleke mourns the passage of renowned journalist, Taiwo Kekereekun

The Executive Governor of Osun State, Senator Ademola Adeleke has mourned the passing of a renowned journalist, Miss Taiwo Kekereekun, describing her loss as devastating and painful. The Governor acknowledges Miss Kekeerekun’s contributions to enriching the field of journalism, particularly, the broadcast segment, where she enlightened audiences and imparted truthful information. He commiserated with the…

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Zulum Condoles Sen Monguno Over Father’s Demise

Borno State Governor, Babagana Umara Zulum, extends his condolences to the senator representing Borno North, Barrister Mohammed Tahir Monguno, over his father’s death, Alhaji Tijjani Muhammad. Late Alhaji Tijjani Muhammad died on Saturday at the age of 95 and was buried on Sunday in Maiduguri. He left behind 17 children and many grandchildren. Zulum, in…

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