Free Trade Zone Instrumental In Stimulating Logistics Sector: Transport & Logistics Minister

Addis Ababa, July 5, 2022 (FBC) – The Ministry of Transport and Logistics is holding a consultative forum with various stakeholders to launch a free trade zone in Dire Dawa City.

Addressing the consultative meeting, the Transport and Logistics Minister, Dagmawit Moges said the to be established domestic free trade zone would serve as a stimulator for the growth of the economic groth.

It was also stated on the consultative meeting that the domestic free trade zone will be launched on a trial basis in Dire Dawa.

She said the establishment of the free trade zone is part of the 10 year perspective plan in the transport and logistics sector.

Saying that the gaps logistics sector are contributing to the reduction of product quality and inflation, Dagmawit added that the establishment of a free trade zone is crucial to solve such problems and help support the economy.

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