Oguro Ile Town Cries Out to Osun Government Against Imposition of King

Concerned citizens and residents of Oguro Ile in Osun state has cried out to the state government, to intervene into a grave injustice that has been inflicted upon them and imposition of an unwanted king, Oba Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji.

While addressing pressmen at Oguro town in Ejigbo on Thursday, Oyebamiji Emmanuel, who is the spokesperson for the town five Mogajis; Mogaji John Olaleke (Apake rulling house), Mogaji Joseph Akinkunmi (Onida rulling house), Mogaji Osuolale Adedeji (Oyalu ruling house),Mogaji Samson Akinyode (Arojo rulling house) and Mogaji Paul Olokuta (Olokuta rulling house) emphasized that the Oba Tajudeen Oladepo has been a source of constant torment,abuse and oppression to Oguro town.

In his words; “We stand before you today to draw urgent attention to a grave injustice that has been inflicted upon the people of Oguro lle by the previous administration under the leadership of former Governor Engineer Rauf Aregbesola. This injustices involves the imposition of unwanted king, Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji, who claimed to have come from Apake ruling house, who ruled last in the town, jittisioning the inherited culture of rotation of ruling houses in this order; Apake; Onida; Oyalu; Arojo; Olokuta”

“In 2018, the previous administration disregarded the traditional selection process and imposed Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji as the king of Oguro Ile. This action was taken without the consent of the people and against our long-standing traditions and customs.” The youth speaker reiterated

He continued by stating the different issues that members of the community are currently facing.

“Imposition of an Unqualified Leader, the imposed king, Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji, does not hail from any of the five ruling houses of Apake, Onida, Olokuta, Oyalu and Arojo. Instead, he is from the Odejayi House, making his appointment illegitimate according to our traditions (According to the letter he wrote to Chief Imam of the town to vacate the praying ground, evidence supported).

“Oppression and Torment, since his imposition, Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji has been a source of constant torment to our community. His actions have been oppressive, abusive, and detrimental to the peace and well-being of the people of Oguro Ile.

“Religious Discrimination, the king has unjustify targeted our Muslim community, going as far as forcibly closing down their prayer centers. This act is not only a violation of their religious rights but also a deliberate attempt to sow discord and disharmony within our town.

“Legal Proceedings and Delays, we have sought legal recourse since 2018, challenging the imposition of Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji. However, the case as been dragging on with no resolution in sight. This delay injustice has left our town in a state of underdevelopment and continued unrest.” He noted.

Oyebami, however pleaded with the state government to kindly intervene and immediately review and address the imposition of Oba Tajudeen Oladepo Oyebamiji.

He said, To the Osun State Government, we urge the new administration. The people of Ogaro lle deserve to have their voices haard and leis traditions respected. We call on the government to intervene and restore rightful leadership to Curtown

“To the Osun State Judiciary, We appeal to the judiciary to expedite the legal proceedings regarding this matter. Justice dalwyes is justice denied. The prolonged delay in resolving this case has caused significant suffering stagnation in our community. We seek timely and fair justice to bring peace and progress.” The spokesperson pleaded.

During an interview with Sahel Standard, Oluode of Oguro of Oguroland, Segun Salako shared his experiences with Oba Tajudeen.

“I, personally, I am the Oluode of Oguro and no other family can receive this title except my family. With my experience, when it’s time to choose the new king,there was much deliberations which prompted the government intervened.

“But the former government then, asked them to take the issue back home, that it is the duty of the citizens to chose their King not the Goverment.

“After that, Taju insisted that he must become the King, then the former Governor suggested that we vote, after the vote, Olalekan Olawuyi triumph and won our vote. Since then, we expected him to be our King but alas, Tajudeen was installed as the king which is against our wish and custom.

“Tajudeen always arrest me and other elders in this town with Policemen, he doesn’t care about our age, he harasses and humiliates us everyday and everywhere.

“Please, Governor Adeleke should come and intervene in Oguro Kingship, this suffering is too much, he insisted that we must all vacate our positions in the town.” Oluode pleaded

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