Osun Speaker purchases UTME forms for 400 applicants

Osun State House of Assembly Speaker, Adewale Egbedun under his education fund has purchased free UTME forms for over 400 prospective applicants in Odo-otin, Osun State.

The Speaker, who is representing Odo-otin State Constituency presented the UTME registration e-pins to the applicants who were drawn from various towns that constitutes the state constituency on Thursday in Odo-otin central local government area, Okuku.

Egbedun who was represented at the event by his Chief Press Secretary, Olamide Tiamiyu admonished the applicants to take advantage of the opportunity that was given to them by ensuring that they prepare excessively and pass their exams excellently.

He added that he will also help them in getting an admission placement in schools of their choice once they pass the UTME exam and also support the best students among them with scholarship.

“What we have come to do here today is to officially present the UTME registration E-pin to the applicants and to also admonished them that this Adewale Egbedun Educational Fund is not only going to provide alone, we want to beg them to prepared for their exams and ensure that they pass the exam because the grace of God, once they pass the exam we will also be there for them to ensure they get an admission placement in any school of their choice by God’s grace and also support the best students among you with scholarship.

“I want to use this opportunity to appreciate our chairmen who stood up to support this Education Fund through their collaboration with Tutorial Centres so as to organise preparatory class for the students.

“Even those that are in junior and senior classes will also have a touch of what I will do. Youth empowerment, Aged and less privileged persons programme is loading and it will come anytime soon. Every sector will feel and be part of this good fruit that has been sown by the good people of Odo-otin State Constituency.

“I want to assure you again that I will not relent nor be discouraged as every dividend of democracy that is desirable for Odo-otin State Constituency will definitely come to you by God’s grace. I urge you to continue supporting me and also pray that God should continue to guide me and protect me to achieve more”, he concluded.

In his remarks, Odo-otin Central Chairman, Prince Adewale Adeyinka who spoke on behalf of other chairmen lauded Hon Egbedun for his outstanding performance and act of generosity towards the young ones of the constituency, adding that God Almighty will lead and guide him through.

He also urged the students to use the opportunity to improve themselves academically.

Adeyinka said; “Most of us never had this opportunity during our time, I encourage you all to face your study and I can assure that the speaker is ready to support you in all your academic endeavors. I wish you all the best”.

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